PV United 06 girls go to pleasanton!
PV United 2006G participated in the Pleasanton Rage College Showcase in Pleasanton, CA over the weekend of July 15th - 17th. In conjunction with being a college showcase, there were numerous college…
Watch an impressive goal by Jasmin Avalos against the Sierra Surf at the College Showcase in Davis, CA 7-10-22.
The USYS Far West Regional Tournament in Idaho allowed a lot of time for the girls to be together. The 10-hour road trip to Idaho let the girls bond like never before! They had freestyle…
The FAR West Regionals in Idaho - a recap
PV United traveled to Idaho this month to participate in the USYS Far West Regional Championship, having qualified for Regionals by finishing 1st in the NorCal State Cup Tournament. One…
¡Entrevista después del triunfo!
Qué increíble para las chicas obtener experiencia realizando entrevistas posteriores al juego con la prensa. ¡Sombras de grandes cosas por venir en el futuro de su carrera futbolística!
Post victory Interviews 3-1 victory over Alaska Rush
How awesome for the girls to get experience conducting post game interviews with the press. Shadows of great things to come in their soccer career futures!
1-on-1 save
USYS Far West Regional
Boise, Idaho
Eleanor Johnson makes a nice one on one save during the PV United 2006G 3-1 victory over Alaska Rush. Well done Rock!
The PV United 2006G squad is headed to Idaho to compete in the USYS Far West Regional Championships!
The 2022 US Youth Soccer Far West Regional Championships takes place June 20 - June 26 in Boise, Idaho. The event…